Welcome to Our Family!
Herein, you will find many of the pictures I have been collecting for many years now with the help of our family. Rob has been kind enough to put together this site with the data compiled, so far.
Our grandparents, Janos Kish and Zsuzsana Duzs, came to America in 1901 and 1902, respectively, met and married in New Jersey, and began a family which eventually spent its formative years in Flint, Michigan prospering with GM’s automotive industry. Much to my delight, in recent years, I have contacted, or found, family members half way around the world. In 2004 my sisters, Carol and Jean, and I, along with our families, were able to go to Hungary/Magyar to meet those of you there. Cousin Shirley (Pocsik) (Olchvary) Mills had visited our Nagyamas' family (Duzs) many times before us with her, then husband, Paul. Paul did a great deal of organization of our family information well before my efforts. It is our pleasure to share our family knowledge with all of you, for whatever help it may be.
For more details about the people in the pictures you’re viewing at this site, be sure to look up the picture’s caption in the Kish-Duzs Family Photo captions link:
Many, though not all, of the pictures are listed at that link. If you recognize anyone not described in the pictures, we would enjoy knowing about them.
Our very best to you and yours,
Alan Hackett & Robert Kish